Make an Appointment: [email protected] | 610-816-5101

  • Karly Fisher, CRS, CAI

    Karly Fisher is a Recovery Coach with sobriety since 2016 and has experience working as a Certified Recovery Specialist (CRS) since 2020. She is also a Certified ARISE Interventionist (CAI) working with families in addition to a SMART Group Facilitator. She started her coaching journey since she is a person whose soul was lost and then found through recovery. Karly fights with and for those who need help to beat their addictions, the stigma, and the wreckage of our past. She found freedom and peace through multiple recovery pathways—starting in a 12-step program, moving to SMART recovery, then exploring Celebrate Recovery and Dharma. Karly continues her growth through counseling, explored meditation, and finds peace and healing within nature and holistic approaches. Karly’s coaching style is focused on providing support, a no-judgment zone, and compassion. She will share education and lived experience on how to find a recovery pathway that works for you in addition to guidance on personal growth. Outside of her work, Karly enjoys travel, being in nature, thrifting, horseback riding, and crafting.

    A quote for you:

    “You are not stuck! You are just committed to certain patterns of behavior because they have helped you in the past. Now those behaviors have become more harmful than helpful. The reason you may feel stuck is because you keep applying an old formula to a new level in your life. CHANGE the formula to get a different result”.
    -Emily Maroutian

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